
Curriculum Vitae Jop de Klein

Jop de Klein
Date of Birth:
2 December 1983
Amsterdam, the Netherlands

I have been involved in professional web development for 10 years, familiarizing myself with all aspects of web development and its rich set of technologies. I am specialized in front-end web development (rich internet applications) and consulting. Additionally, I have over a year of experience developing web applications using Django and Python.

I am passionate about creating interactive websites that work for its users and believe in the-right-tool-for-the-right-job, honest, osmotic communication, and an agile approach to development.

Work Experience

Validweb: 2009 - present

Freelance Web Developer: January 2009 - present

Currently available for web development projects on freelance basis, I develop rich internet applications, back-end systems and custom content management systems. I care about your business needs and prefer working with you rather than for you.

Projects: (expand / collapse all)

Albert Heijn Allerhande Python, Django, XSLT

Specializing in aerial tissue, B. Biloe needed a portfolio website to showcase her acts along with photos and videos. A custom-built Django CMS allows for management of acts and associated media, taking care of thumbnail creation and media aggregation.

  • Designed and created lightweight custom Django CMS
  • Designed corporate branding
  • Designed and developed front-end using XHTML, CSS and Javascript
Harvest Amsterdam Adsense Consulting/Implementation HTML, CSS, Javascript, Google Adsense

I joined Beehive ICT in the creation of, working as front-end architect / lead front-end developer. 

  • Front-end Architecture
  • Front-end Development
  • Google Maps Integration / Customization


I worked as interim lead front-end developer, helping Ziggo and Backbase with the implementation of the Ziggo Portal using Backbase Portal technology

  • Assisted Project Management with cost estimations
  • Developed Portal Modules using Backbase Portal technology, JavaScript and XSLT


Backbase: 2005 - 2008

Senior Consultant: January 2006 - December 2008

Worked primarily as lead front-end developer and front-end architect, as well as trainer and technical pre-sales consultant. I assisted in the realization of prestigious Rich Internet Applications projects for enterprise customers, developing with web technologies such as HTML, CSS, Javascript, AJAX and XSLT. As consultant I provided services and training to web professionals in the Netherlands, Belgium, Australia, India, England, Scotland, Serbia and the United States.

I was closely involved with senior management in streamlining the processes of the Professional Services team and helped developing the training curriculum. In the later stages if my job I was involved in coaching junior developers and acted as development process manager, customizing agile development methodologies for the projects on which I was lead front-end developer.

Projects: (expand / collapse all)

ABN Amro needed web-based calculation applications to allow user to calculate the benefit of certain ABN products. In order to optimize user experience the calculators needed to work client-side and provide visual feedback immediately.

  • Designed and coordinated development of the User Interface
  • Coordinated interaction between UI and calculation development
  • Client-side performance tuning
  • Implemented Automated Unit Tests
ABN Amro MKBNext HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ajax, Backbase
ABN Amro Internet Banking HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ajax, Backbase, XSLT
Bank of America Atlas HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ajax, Backbase, XSLT
ING Verzekeringen Javascript, Backbase
NXP Semiconductors HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ajax, Backbase, XSLT
Nationale Nederlanden Overlijdens Risico Verzekeringen HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ajax, Backbase, XSLT
Saxo Bank Saxo Trader Javascript, Ajax, Backbase
Sony Sony Europe Backbase
Trinicom Service Manager HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ajax, Backbase, XSLT
VIR Klinilyzer HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ajax, Backbase, XSLT
WoodMackenzie Gas & Power Tools HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ajax, Backbase, XSLT
Ziggo Ziggo Portal POC HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ajax, Backbase

Consultant: February 2005 - January 2006

Projects: (expand / collapse all)

Emerce Emerce Night: Timetable App HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ajax, Backbase
Interpolis Interpolis CRM HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ajax, Backbase

Freelance: 1999 - 2005

Web Developer: January 1999 - February 2005

Worked as a all-round web developer, realizing websites- and applications for Dutch as well as international customers.

Projects: (expand / collapse all)

De Balie HTML, Javascript
Evert Vermeer Stichting HTML, CSS
  • Designed and developed front-end
  • Designed and developed back-end
  • Designed Database
  • Interaction Design
  • Graphical Design
  • Developed back-end services for reading out EXIF information

Neweb: 2000 - 2004

Web Developer: January 2002 - January 2004

After finishing school I worked as full-time web developer for Neweb (small web development firm, now out of business), acting as lead front-end developer working with HTML and Flash, and later pioneering with XHTML/CSS.

Projects: (expand / collapse all)

De Nieuwe Kerk Amsterdam Organ Concerts HTML, CSS, PHP
De Nieuwe Kerk HTML, CSS, Javascript, CSS, PHP
Retour Aziƫ Retour Aziƫ HTML, CSS, PHP, Flash

Junior Web Developer (Part-time): January 2000 - January 2002

Worked 2 days a week developing and maintaining web sites using HTML and Flash.

Projects: (expand / collapse all)

3CC HTML, Flash
Gedichtendag HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP
Uitgeverij Bijleveld HTML, CSS


Technologies Processes Languages Communication


1996 - 2002

Havo (Economie en Maatschappij) at Montessori

Sucessfully completed exams for the following subjects:
